'when' Venice Calls For Australian Cities Of The Future

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26th October 2009, 03:13pm - Views: 1279

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Monday 26 October 2009

‘When’ Venice calls for Australian cities of the future 

A national design competition by Australia’s Creative Directors for the 2010

Venice Architecture Biennale opens tomorrow, and invites architects to

unleash their imaginations in addressing issues of Australian Urbanism.

Australia’s two-part ‘NOW + WHEN Australian Urbanism’ exhibition in Venice next year will

highlight three Australian urban regions as they are ‘now’, before dramatically representing

futuristic urban settings as they may be ‘when’ we reach 2050 and beyond. 

Profiling Sydney, Melbourne and Surfers Paradise through stereoscopic visuals, the NOW

component will show contrasting views of these cities from macro-scapes at 20,000 feet to

‘helicoptering’ views of urban and architectural icons at close range. 

WHEN is daring to imagine Australian urban spaces in 40 years + time, with the intent of

‘catapulting urban debate into eye-popping visceral entertainment set in a soundscape’. 

Liberating architects from current planning and design constraints and encouraging

speculative, futuristic visions, the Designs for Australia’s cities 2050+ competition is being

held to source material for the WHEN part of Australia’s exhibition.

The creative team behind NOW+WHEN, John Gollings and Ivan Rijavec, see urban

transformation in Australia 2050 and beyond being driven as much by political and economic

imperatives as they will be by technology and design. Rijavec and Gollings are keen to see

designs which reflect these circumstances.

“We’re especially interested in really imaginative designs with a strong theoretical basis which

both integrate cultural influences and exploit the creative potential of architecture,” said Mr


The directors will be looking for designs which apply to the city as a whole rather than infill or

minor precincts, and address fundamental issues of Australian Urbanism such as density,

sustainability and the effects of global warming. 

“Ultimately we want participants to show us what we are likely to become and how our cities

will accommodate us as they develop in the matrix of world urbanism and what will be the

nature of our inevitable cultural transformation,” Mr Rijavec said. 

A shortlist of entrants will be selected to develop their designs further, from which a group of

finalists will be announced and whose work will be exhibited at the Australian Pavilion in

Venice next year.


All competition information is available at architecture.com.au/nowandwhen 

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The Australian Exhibition at the Venice Architecture Biennale is a major project of the

Australian Institute of Architects. The Institute thanks its sponsors Austral Bricks, Virgin

Atlantic Airways, Zip Industries, Autodesk and Architecture Media. The Institute also

recognises the significant contribution of Network Venice practices and donors, and gratefully

acknowledges the help and support given by the Australia Council for the Arts, including the

use of the Pavilion for this exhibition.

Australian Institute of Architects | Media Unit

Ms Trish Croaker 

mobile - 0408 756 163


Ms Kirsten Trengove

mobile - 0439 555 427


The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing more than 9500

members across Australia and overseas.  The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment

by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design. Visit the Institute at architecture.com.au .   

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