129 Ways To View Australia In 2050

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4th December 2009, 11:00am - Views: 1265

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Friday 04 December 2009 

129 ways to view Australia in 2050 

A national competition designed to visualise Australia’s urban

spaces in 40 years, and beyond, has fired the imagination of the

nation’s architects – with 129 vastly different scenarios submitted

revealing possible cities of the future. 

The competition - Designs for Australia’s cities 2050+ - was run by the Australian Institute of

Architects’ 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale Creative Directors, John Gollings and Ivan

Rijavec, to source material for next year’s exhibition in the Australian Pavilion in Venice. 

The team’s two-part ‘NOW + WHEN Australian Urbanism’ exhibition will highlight three of

Australia’s most interesting urban regions as they are ‘now’, before dramatically representing

futuristic urban environments as they may be ‘when’ we reach 2050 and beyond. 

Designed to source material for the WHEN part of Australia's exhibition, the Designs for

Australia’s cities 2050+ competition was intended to liberate architects from current planning

and design constraints, encouraging speculative, futuristic visions. 

A shortlist from the 129 teams who submitted expressions of interest will be announced on

December 18. Those teams will then present developed proposals in March next year, and a

final group chosen for exhibition in Venice from late August.    

John Gollings is one of Australia’s premier architectural photographers, who successfully

applies a visionary ideology across all areas of his work. Ivan Rijavec is Principal of Rijavec

Architects, an innovative Australian architectural practice established in January 1979. The

2010 Venice Architecture Biennale will be guided by leading Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima,

who was announced as Director last month – making her the first woman to hold the

internationally sought-after position.

Competition shortlist announced: Friday 18 December

12th Venice Architecture Biennale – Confirmed Dates:

Vernissage: 26, 27, 28 August 2010; Exhibition: 29 August – 28 November 2010

This update for the 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale is proudly sponsored by Zip Industries. 

The Australian Exhibition at the Venice Architecture Biennale is a major project of the Australian Institute of

Architects. The Institute would like to thank sponsors Austral Bricks, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Zip Industries,

Autodesk and Architecture Media. The Institute also recognises the significant contribution of Network

Venice practices and donors, and gratefully acknowledges the help and support given by the Australia

Council for the Arts, including the use of the Pavilion for this exhibition.

For information on the Australian Pavilion and ‘NOW + WHEN Australian Urbanism’, contact: 

Australian Institute of Architects | Media Contacts

Trish Croaker, National Media/PR Advisor


0408 756 163

Margot Paul, National Media/PR Advisor


0402 669 463

The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing more than 9800

members across Australia and overseas. The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment by

promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design. Visit the Institute for more information - architecture.com.au .

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