Celebrating Australia's Distinct Design Culture In The Act

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23rd October 2009, 02:34pm - Views: 1296

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Friday 23 October 2009

Celebrating Australia’s distinct design culture

A program of free public events in Canberra celebrating the role of Australian architecture in

our homes and communities marks this year’s National Architecture Week, 26-31 October

The week kicks off with the official presentation of the Architecture Canberra Medallion to the

National Portrait Gallery followed by a special lecture on the design of the Gallery building by

the Gallery’s architect, Richard Johnson, titled ‘Art and Architecture’. 

Monday 26 October

4pm Presentation of the 2009 Canberra Medallion to Timothy Fairfax AM 

4.15pm-5pm ‘Art and Architecture’ presented by Richard Johnson

National Portrait Gallery, free but bookings required, email act@raia.com.au

The Gallery of Australian Design will host all other events, including a competition and

exhibition on Canberra’s future as visioned by emerging architects and graduates, and a

response to their visions by established practitioners and  community members.

Thursday 29 October 

6pm - 2009 New Push Design Ideas competition and exhibition, visions for Canberra’s future by

emerging architects. Includes exhibitions of Chairs (by industrial design students from University

of Canberra) and the ACT 2009 Architecture Awards Winners. GAD, free but bookings required,

email act@raia.com.au

Friday 30 October

12.30pm - 2pm Civic: The Old Pull. Responding to the New Push, established architects consider the

state of Civic. GAD, free but bookings required, email act@raia.com.au

Thinking of building or renovating? Don’t miss Architecture Open Day at the GAD. There’ll be

loads of ideas about how an architect can help you define and create what you want to build,

present options you wouldn’t dream could be yours and help you get the most from your


Saturday 31 October - Architecture Open Day

10am - 2pm Talk to an Architect

11am - 12.30 pm Design ideas for your home. Free public seminar with four local architects (Allan

Spira, Pedro Geleris, Janet Thomson & Philip Leeson).

To book a session with an architect or to attend the public seminar, email act@raia.com.au

2pm -3.30pm Architectural Lake Cruise with your guide Roger Pegrum

Departs Gallery of Australian Design, Commonwealth Place

$30. To book, email act@raia.com.au  

Exhibitions: 2009 ACT Architecture Awards, Cox Humphries Moss Student Design Prize, 2009 New

Push and Industrial Design Students’ Chairs.

Full program of events at architecture.com.au/act 


Australian Institute of Architects | Media Contacts

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Ms Sophie Clement, ACT manager - phone 02 6208 2100, mobile 0439 555 533

Ms Kirsten Trengove, National media/pr - mobile 0439 555 427

The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing more than 9500

members across Australia and overseas.  The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment

by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design. Visit the Institute at architecture.com.au .

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