Milestone Report Spotlights Opportunities And Challenges For The Services Sector

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5th October 2010, 06:13pm - Views: 1200

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Tuesday 5 October 2010

Milestone report spotlights opportunities

and challenges for the services sector 

The Australian Institute of Architects welcomes a milestone report

released today by the Australian Services Roundtable on the value

of services business for Australian wealth and the economy. 

The report, New Economic Challenge Responding to the Rise of Services

in the Australian Economy, was launched by the Minister for Trade, the Hon Dr

Craig Emerson, MP. The Institute welcomes the report for its emphasis on the

significant opportunities to address growth potential in the services sector. 

The report scopes a road map for the services sector and concludes that:

Data gaps are an impediment to good policy, industry investment and

skills development;

Increased productivity in the services sector is essential given it now

represents 80 per cent of the Australian economy;

Innovation is identified as a key driver for productivity growth within the


Regulatory reform through the removal of barriers to business activity

both on shore and off shore is imperative to maintain and improve

Australia’s competitiveness.


“The main themes of the report are the importance of services productivity and

innovation,” Institute CEO David Parken said. 

The Institute has identified a number of important areas for regulatory reform

and innovation within the built environment. The current project delivery

arrangements used result in significant wasted effort, which if removed could

generate greater efficiencies and productivity in a sector whose combined

construction activity exceeds $100billion per annum (Source: Australian ©onstruction

Industry Forum).

Embracing new technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and

challenging current ways of working through integrated practice and project

methodologies will provide for more productive and effective outcomes for the

design and construction of the built environment. Globally, this is a fast-growing

market, and Australian architects have shown that they have the necessary skills

to take advantage of the international opportunities on offer.


“The Institute continues to seek planning reform that will simplify development

approval processes and encourage state and territory governments to adopt the

Development Assessment Forum's (DAF) leading practice model for development

assessment in Australia,” Mr Parken said.

Further, the Institute is supportive of the free movement of registered

architects internationally, and is a signatory to the Canberra Accord which aims to

facilitate the international mobility of architecture students and graduates of the

signatory countries to the Accord.

“We also encourage steps within Australia and overseas to allow the mutual

recognition of registered architects globally,” he said.


The architectural profession is at the forefront of innovation demonstrated

through efforts in meeting the challenges of climate change through sustainable

design. The recent Australian exhibition at the Venice Architectural Biennale

also showcased cutting-edge 3D technology images of three Australian cities now

and imagined for the future, demonstrating to the world not only the enormous

creativity of Australian architects, but the possibilities and potentials for the

development of sustainable built environments.”

The Institute commends the Australian Services Roundtable for commissioning

the report and commits to encouraging and facilitating public and private sector

progress on regulatory reform with the aim of improving Australia’s services

sector’s productivity. 

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