National Architecture Awards Announced - Community Spirit Marks Winners

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28th October 2010, 09:59am - Views: 1937

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Winners not to be notified in advance

2010 National Architecture Awards announced

‘community spirit’ marks winning projects

Public architectural projects across Australia demonstrating a winning

mix of ‘community spirit, intensity, humility, beauty and hope

for the future’ have dominated the nation’s top architecture awards.

From urban design to public, commercial, heritage, interior and sustainable architecture, projects

skilfully blending these elements took top honours presented at the Australian Institute of

Architects’ National Architecture Awards, the country’s most prestigious annual architecture

prizes.  2010 marks the 30th birthday for the national awards, introduced in 1961. 

The 2010 awards were presented to the nation’s most inspiring recent architectural projects and

architects, at a special ceremony tonight (Thursday 28 October) in Canberra. A total 33

awards and commendations across 12 categories were awarded to projects in Queensland,

NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and offshore in Singapore, Thailand, Japan,

Tanzania, Indonesia and India.

Presenting the awards, Jury Chair Melinda Dodson said: “It’s a contradictory time for

architecture – we’ve had economic buoyancy followed by economic downturn. As architects we’re

part of a carbon emitting industry, so it’s natural that the jury reflected on the future, applied the

'enduring architecture' test, and the essential test of sustainability. We were heartened by the

many instances of architects demonstrating leadership, advocacy and innovation. Projects where a

positive transformative act had occurred, resulting in new ideas for the profession and for the

community about architecture; architects doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways.  Often

leadership and perseverance was matched by the client.”

Epping to Chatswood Rail Link

Intermediate Stations,

HASSELL. Photo: Simon Wood

The 2010 Sir Zelman Cowen Award for Public Architecture

was a clear demonstration of this – being awarded this year to

the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link, Intermediate Stations in

Sydney by national practice HASSELL. In a triple win for the firm,

HASSELL also received the Emil Sodersten Award for Interior

Architecture for the ANZ Centre in Melbourne, and a National

Commendation for Urban Design for the Adelaide Zoo

Entrance Precinct in Adelaide.

Ms Dodson said the Intermediate Stations represented “a genuine

evolutionary and visionary approach to station management and

work environments. This all contributes to a project of unique

competence and beauty that derives its architecture through

common sense with sensitive design decisions”.  Access elements

“appear as sculptures within a space which is free of

ornamentation, beautifully ordered and reliant only on light and

people to colour the architecture”.


s Dodson said “while the 2009 jury worried about a lack of

expenditure on public urban design projects, in 2010 the opposite

was true”.  “Most notably, Mayor Clover Moore and the City of

Sydney have demonstrated a commitment to the public realm

with the Pirrama Park and Paddington Reservoir Gardens


As a result, the City of Sydney and Australian public emerged as this year’s big winners, with five

projects commissioned by the council picking up major awards.  Surry Hills Library and

Community Centre in Sydney by Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp (fjmt) received a National

Award for Public Architecture and a National Award for Sustainable Architecture. 

The much used and enjoyed Pirrama Park at Pyrmont Hill by Thalis Architecture + Urban

Projects/Aspect Studios/CAB received the Walter Burley Griffin Award for Urban Design,

while the equally well-frequented Paddington Reservoir Gardens by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer

with JMD Design and the City of Sydney received a National Award for Urban Design and

National Award for Heritage.

The jury noted that in “a city a city enamoured with its

harbour image Sydney has surprisingly few places

where you can dangle your feet in the water”, with

Pirrama Park now being one of those”. 

They said: “This is a great public place because it

respects the past without treating it as a museum

artefact; it has spatial, material and planting variety;

and it offers a model for the future redevelopment of

the harbour foreshore. That industrial heritage is a

useful part of the urban realm is a point of some

contention in cities across the globe. In the context of

this debate Pirrama Park is a provocation – articulating

the way the less picturesque, gritty aspects of the past

can make a powerful contribution to the life of our


Top Right: Surry

Hills Library and


Centre by fjmt.


John Gollings.




Gardens by

Tonkin Zulaikha

Greer with JMD

Design and the

City of Sydney.

Photography: Brett Boardman

Australia’s top award for international architecture, the Jørn Utzøn Award for International

Architecture, was awarded to a revolutionary, naturally ventilated 66-storey apartment building

in Bangkok, The Met, by Singapore-based practice WOHA. While the jury noted the particular

strength of this year’s International Award entrants from around the world, they said The Met

represented “major advances towards a possible future vision of ecologically responsible highly

dense urban housing”. In total six projects received Awards and Commendations, including an

orphanage in Tanzania, and “extraordinary” house for one of the world’s top designers in Japan. 

The prestigious Lachlan Macquarie Award for Heritage was this year awarded to a regional

project of national significance described by the jury as this year’s “most powerful story of

collaboration, leadership and perseverance between client and architect” – the Barcaldine Tree

of Knowledge Memorial by Brian Hooper Architect and m3architecture – Architects in

Association. The now-dead and memorialised ghost gum in the main street of Barcaldine is of

national importance as the shelter under which striking shearers met 120 years ago, giving rise to

the formation of the ALP. 

Far Left: The

Barcaldine Tree of

Knowledge by Brian

Hooper Architect and

m3architecture -

Architects in


Photography: Jon


Left: A new model

for high density

living - The Met in

Bangkok, by WOHA.

Photography: Tim


The jury said: “This remarkable structure may not have existed and the tree lost if not for the

compelling architectural vision, the intelligence and tenacity of the architects and the great

collaborative relationship with Barcaldine Mayor Rob Chandler who supported, promoted, and

carried this project through many difficulties.”  

An exemplary new commercial building in the heart of Kings Cross described by the jury as both a

“placemaker” for the public and workplace communities - 5-9 Roslyn Street in Kings Cross by

Durbach Block Architects – was awarded this year’s top Harry Seidler Award for

Commercial Architecture. The jury said the building has “a particularly human quality and they

had “a strong sense that this building would adapt and change gracefully to changes in commercial

use over time – a mark of an exemplar commercial building”.


For the first time in the history of the national awards, Australia’s most prestigious residential

award – the Robin Boyd Award for Residential Architecture - Houses, was presented to a

Tasmanian practice and house - the Trial Bay House by Hobart practice HBV Architects. The

jury said: “An exceptional house may be one with such calmness and serenity that it is hard to

leave. The remodelling and additions to the Trial Bay House have created such a house.” 

The Frederick Romberg Award for Residential Architecture - Multiple Housing was

presented to Brisbane-based practice Donovan Hill for the Seaspray Resort and Spa at Zilzie

in Queensland. The practice also picked up a National Award for Residential Architecture

Houses for their Z House in Brisbane.

Left: 5-9 Roslyn St by Durbach Block Architects. Photography:

Anthony Browell. Above: ANZ Centre by HASSELL. Photo: Earl Carter


little known treasure, the Supreme Court Complex in Hobart by the Department of Public

Works/Peter Partridge is this year’s recipient of the 25 Year Award for Enduring

Architecture. The jury said: “This building is an exemplary, enduring piece of public architecture

that makes a poised, urban contribution to the city of Hobart. The complex is in remarkably

original order because of the skill with which it was designed. Here is a reminder that investment

in public architecture has a lasting effect on the city.”

In a third win for Tasmania, a National Award for Small Project Architecture was presented

to the Strangio House by Maria Gigney Architects, with the jury saying: “The creative and

sensitive conversion of a 170 year old stone barn into a compact but exciting contemporary

residence is a superb example of how to reuse old building stock”. 

The Colorbond® Award for Steel Architecture was presented to Wood/Marsh Pty Ltd for the

Australian Expo Pavilion in China, with the jury saying “this is a building that is about and from

Australia”.  They added: “It is like a great big piece of the Australian landscape transplanted in the


2010 National Architecture Awards – Full List of Winners 

In 2010, a record 900-plus projects vied for Australian Institute of Architects

state and territory Architecture Awards. Of these, 33 projects and practices

have been awarded 2010 National Architecture Awards or Commendations.

Awards are tiered as follows: named awards for the most outstanding entrant in

each category, followed by architecture awards and then commendations. This

year’s winners are:


Australian Institute of Architects 2010 National Architecture Awards - Winners List 


Architectural Project

Architectural Practice

Public Architecture

The Sir Zelman Cowen Award for

Public Architecture

Epping to Chatswood Rail Link,

Intermediate Stations (Sydney NSW)


National Award for Public Architecture

Surry Hills Library and Community

Centre (Sydney, NSW)

Francis-Jones Morehen

Thorp (fjmt)

National Award for Public Architecture

The Melbourne Convention and

Exhibition Centre (Melbourne, VIC)

Joint Venture Architects

Woods Bagot and NH


National Commendation for Public


Barcaldine Tree of Knowledge Memorial

(Barcaldine, central western QLD)

Brian Hooper Architect &

m3architecture -

Architects in Association

Commercial Architecture

The Harry Seidler Award for

Commercial Architecture

5-9 Roslyn Street Kings Cross

(Sydney, NSW)

Durbach Block Architects

National Award for Commercial


Port Phillip Estate (Mornington

Peninsular, Victoria)

Wood/Marsh Pty Ltd



The Lachlan Macquarie Award for


Barcaldine Tree of Knowledge Memorial

(Barcaldine, central western QLD) 

Brian Hooper Architect

and m3architecture -

Architects in Association

National Award for Heritage

Paddington Reservoir Gardens

(Sydney, NSW) 

Tonkin Zulaikha Greer

with JMD Design and the

City of Sydney

National Award for Heritage

Former West's Furniture Showroom

(Brisbane, QLD) 

Riddel Architecture

Interior Architecture 

The Emil Sodersten Award for Interior


ANZ Centre (Melbourne, VIC)


National Award for Interior


Lyons Architecture Office (Melbourne,


NMBW Architecture


National Award for Interior


Port Phillip Estate (Mornington

Peninsular, VIC)

Wood/Marsh Pty Ltd


Residential – Houses  

The Robin Boyd Award for Residential

Architecture – Houses

Trial Bay House (Tasmania)

HBV Architects

National Award for Residential

Architecture – Houses

Z House (Brisbane, QLD)

Donovan Hill

National Commendation for Residential

Architecture – Houses

Lyon Housemuseum (Melbourne, VIC)


Residential - Multiple

The Frederick Romberg Award for

Residential Architecture – Multiple


Seaspray Resort and Spa (Zilzie, QLD)

Donovan Hill

National Commendation for Residential


Yan Lane (Melbourne, VIC)

Justin Mallia

National Commendation for Residential


UNSW Village (Sydney, NSW) 


Sustainable Architecture 

National Award for Sustainable


Surry Hills Library and Community

Centre (Sydney, NSW)

Francis-Jones Morehen

Thorp (fjmt)

National Commendation for

Sustainable Architecture

Lyons Architecture Office (Melbourne,


NMBW Architecture


Small Projects

National Award for Small Project


Strangio House (Hobart, TAS)

Maria Gigney Architects



Urban Design

The Walter Burley Griffin Award for

Urban Design

Pirrama Park, Pyrmont Hill (Sydney,


Thalis Architecture +

Urban Projects / Aspect

Studios / CAB

National Award for Urban Design

Paddington Reservoir Gardens

(Sydney, NSW)

Tonkin Zulaikha Greer

with JMD Design and the

City of Sydney

National Commendation for Urban


Adelaide Zoo Entrance Precinct

(Adelaide, SA) 


National Commendation for Urban


Eastlink Freeway (Melbourne, VIC)

Wood/Marsh Pty Ltd


International Architecture

The Jørn Utzon Award for International


The Met, Bangkok (Thailand)


National Award for International


Kesho Leo Children's Home (Tanzania)

watson architecture +


National Award for International


Wall House (Japan)

Peter Stutchbury

Architecture with Keiji

Ashizawa Design

National Award for International


Bras Basah Mass Rapid Transit Station



National Commendation for

International Architecture

Aman New Delhi (India)

Kerry Hill Architects

National Commendation for

International Architecture

Alila Villas Uluwatu, Bali (Indonesia)


25 Year Award

25 Year Award for Enduring


Supreme Court Complex Hobart (TAS)

Department of Public

Works /  Peter Partridge

Colorbond Award

The Colorbond Award for Steel


Australian Expo Pavillion (China)

Wood/Marsh Pty Ltd



The National Architecture Awards would not be possible without the support of our Principal Corporate

Partner - BlueScope Steel; Supporting Corporate Partners - Lockwood, Dulux, Autodesk, Virgin Atlantic,

AWS, Kingspan and Diversified Exhibitions; and is significantly enhanced by our media partnership with

the Australian Financial Review AFR Magazine and Architecture Australia (Aa). 


For embargoed media kits, including jury citations, the Jorn Utzon Award for

International Architecture, a history of the awards, or for images and interviews,


Trish Croaker, National Media/PR Advisor 

Mobile 0408 756 163 or

The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing more

than 10,000 members across Australia and overseas.  The Institute actively works to improve the quality

of our built environment by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design.

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