Shedding Light On Architecture's 10x10x10

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19th October 2009, 01:13pm - Views: 1308

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The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing more than 9500

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Monday 19 October 2009

Shedding light on architecture’s 10x10x10 

For 10 nights, the southern façade of Hobart’s Federation Concert Hall will be illuminated by

shining white light images in the lead up to a series of free evening events to celebrate

National Architecture Week. 

From 7pm every night from Tuesday 20 October, four projectors will cast a series of intensely

magnified images of the construction of natural matter, such as salt crystals, onto the curved

brass drum of the concert hall on Davey Street.

The lighting show is priming Hobart for 10x10x10 – four nights of fast-paced Pecha Kucha-

style show and tell staged by the Australian Institute of Architects. Ten different presenters

each night, showing a maximum of 10 images in no more than 10 minutes. 

Monday 26 October - ‘Provocation’ 

A night of provocation, the unexpected, the controversial, the insightful, the rude, the

beautiful…You’ll be surprised, you’ll be seduced, you’ll be affronted, you’ll demand equal time…

Above all you’ll be provoked into thought and action.

Creative Director: Peter Poulet, State Architect

Tuesday 27 October - ‘Space + Form [Alien]’ 

Come with us now on a journey through space and form to the depths of the ocean, to distant

lands and into the mind to discover architecture in otherness.

Creative Director: Hugh Maguire, Architect

Wednesday 28 October - ‘Restraint’ 

Exploring the outcomes of restraint and the complexity that leads to simplicity.

Creative Director: Forward Brianese + Partners

Thursday 29 October - ‘Contrast by Design’ 

An open-ended approach to experiencing architectural design and its ramification for human

beings. An informative, entertaining and stimulating night looking at all aspects of contrasts of

design solutions with a moral to the story. 

Creative Directors: Detlev Geard + Philip Stary, Architects

Venue: Australian Institute of Architects, 1/19A Hunter Street, Hobart (off IXL Courtyard)

Time: 6pm for 6.30pm-8.30pm | Cost: free | More information at 

Australian Institute of Architects | Media Contacts

Ms Janine Holt, TAS manager - phone 0409 216 526

Ms Kirsten Trengove, National media/pr - mobile 0439 555 427

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