Airport Fire Service Now Operational In Karratha

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1st July 2009, 02:16pm - Views: 1292
Airport Fire Service Now Operational in Karratha

Airservices will provide an operational aviation rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) service at Karratha Airport from this week.

Airservices ARFF personnel have been in Karratha for several months preparing for the reintroduction of the service to the airport, now the busiest in regional WA.

ARFF General Manager, Andrew Rushbrook, said that fire fighters would now monitor all regularlyscheduled passenger aircraft arrivals and departures seven days a week.

He said the re-introduction of the Karratha airport fire service would provide an added layer of safety to airport users in north-west WA.

"Airservices has made a major commitment to investment in new equipment, training and recruitment to ensure we can deliver outstanding services to this community and others where airports are experiencing significant and sustained growth," Mr Rushbrook said.

The on duty fire crew will staff a Fire Control Centre and two Rosenbauer Mk8 ultra-large airport fire vehicles. They aim to arrive at any incidents on the airport within two minutes, well within the international standard of three minutes.

Shift staffing and equipment levels will be gradually increased over the coming six months.

Karratha airport fire station will ultimately be equipped with three Mk8 vehicles. The third vehicle has arrived on site and is now undergoing commissioning checks.

It will allow Airservices to move to full ARFF operations at Karratha by the end of the year.

When fully equipped with fire fighting agent, a Mk8 carries around 9,000 litres of water and foam and can empty its tank in less than two minutes.

Its roof-mounted monitor is capable of throwing water and foam a distance of more than 80 metres.

For media enquiries or an image of a Mk8 fire vehicle in action in Karratha:
call 02 6257 2828
or email [email protected]

SOURCE: Airservices

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