Fear Of Flying: Regional Airports Grounded

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1st December 2009, 12:00pm - Views: 1055
Fear of Flying: Regional Airports Grounded

Sydney, Australia December 2009

Australia's regional airports are struggling to remain airborne amidst heavy government regulation and a steady decrease in funding for essential development.

Despite the Federal Government's white paper proposition 'to guide the aviation industry's growth over the next decade and beyond' - the number of regional airports is in rapid decline, with only 138 currently operating. This is half the number that was operating 20 years ago.*

This decline is alarming regional airports are a vital life-line for essential services and social connectivity for regional communities.

"Regional Airports form part of the fabric of regional communities, allowing access for essential services, delivering economic growth and providing social connectivity" says Peter Pallot, GM, Sunshine Coast Airports, (one of the largest local council-owned airports in Australia).

One of the biggest reasons for the decline of regional airports is safety and security screening regulation, which requires every airport with Regulated Passenger Traffic (RPT Services) to install screening systems. This is a significant cost outlay to airports. As the government prepares to release the aviation white paper by the end of the year, (which are set to mandate security screening systems for every airport) regional Airports are nervously anticipating the effects this could have on their business moving forward.

"The biggest challenge we all face in Australia is regulation" says Kim Ellis, CEO of Bankstown Airport, who has ensured the financial viability of his airport by establishing a successful film and television business on the airport, "You've got to look for alternative revenue streams".

This is the time to bring government together with regional airports and airlines to explore the strategic and practical aspects of regional airport development to help regional airports identify commercial opportunities to develop their airport as a business.

"Regional airports are, by definition, isolated and frequently out of touch with vital industry knowledge and trends. IQPC Australia's Regional Airport Development 2010 forum has a great line-up of speakers to help you identify commercial opportunities for implementation of your airport master plan" says Bill Burke, CEO, Mildura Airport, and keynote presenter at the conference.

For more information on Regional Airport Development 2010, please contact Chris Archer on (02) 9229 1045, or visit the website: http://www.regionalairports.com.au

* http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/aviation/nap/index.aspx

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For further media enquiries, interview requests, or further information contact;

Chris Archer
Online Communications Manager
IQPC Australia
Ph: (02) 9229 1045
Email: [email protected]

SOURCE: IQPC Australia

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