Jetstar Called On To Give Better Service To People With Disabilities

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3rd December 2009, 03:09pm - Views: 1040

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Media Contact:      Ben Ruse

0407 030 808

Media Statement


Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children’s Services 

Parliamentary Secretary for Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction


Disability Discrimination Commissioner

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009



Parliamentary Secretary for disabilities, Bill Shorten has called for Jetstar to meet

with him and the Disability Discrimination Commissioner as a matter of urgency after

reports that a visually-impaired man was turned away from a Jetstar Flight because

of his guide dog.

Mr Shorten said this was the second serious incident to have been reported in two

weeks, following the airline's treatment of paralympic champion Kurt Fearnley.

"If reports of these incidents are correct, then I am extremely concerned about

Jetstar's approach to customers with disabilities," Mr Shorten said.

"People with disability have the same right to travel by air as the rest of the

population. They should not be treated like children or as an inconvenience.”

"They should not face the humiliation of being turned away when they have

purchased a ticket."

"While I understand that Jetstar has apologised in both cases, it would have been far

better if the incidents had never happened."

"I can not understand why any company would treat its potential customers with such

a lack of respect. Many Australians rely on a guide dog to get around, and they

should be able to catch planes as easily as the rest of the community.”

"It is also a concern that incidents like these could damage Australia's reputation as a

tourist destination."

Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes, called on Jetstar to joint the

positive work being done by other airlines, government regulators and the disability


“This work contributed to the Virgin Blue Airlines access policy for people with

disability, which is far more positive,” said Commissioner Innes.

Commissioner Innes said that, on this International Day of People with Disabilities, it

was clearly time for Jetstar to meet with Parliamentary Secretary Shorten and himself

with a view to providing equal services to all Australians, including Australians with a


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Media Contact:      Ben Ruse

0407 030 808

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