Learn To Fly With The Help Of Airservices Australia

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2nd December 2009, 04:43pm - Views: 880
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No: 45/09

2 December 2009

Learn to fly with the help of Airservices Australia

Aviation enthusiasts wanting to become pilots can apply now for one of eleven Airservices Australia funded scholarships to be awarded in 2010.

The scholarships are aimed at generating interest in aviation as a career and identifying the next generation of pilots.

Scholarships will be awarded by the Royal Federation of Aero Clubs of Australia (RFACA), Australian Women Pilots' Association (AWPA) and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia (AOPA).

Airservices spokesman Rob Walker said the scholarships were designed to support the sustainability of the general aviation community.

"We are very pleased to support these organisations and their mutual goals of developing young pilots for the future of Australian aviation. It's important we continue to promote entry paths into the industry," Mr Walker said.

RFACA will award four scholarships valued at $6000 each to subsidise the cost of obtaining a Private or Commercial Pilot's Licence.

To qualify applicants take an introductory flight with an RFACA member where their suitability to receive formal training is assessed. Scholarship winners are selected from the top ten per cent of applicants. Applications close 23 February 2010.

AWPA also has four Airservices-funded scholarships for women wishing to pursue an aviation career. Each scholarship is valued at $6000 and subsidises the cost of obtaining a Private or Commercial Pilot's Licence.

AWPA selects the scholarship winners from applicants who demonstrate an interest in flying and have the support of their flying instructors. Applicants must be members of the AWPA, at least 18 years old and have started flight training. Applications close 31 January 2010.

Airservices also funds three AOPA scholarships worth $6000 each to provide flight training to accepted standards in general aviation.

For more information, or to apply, visit:

Airservices Australia is a Government owned organisation responsible for the safe and efficient management of air traffic across 11 per cent of the world's air space. Services include air traffic control, airspace management, aeronautical information, radar communications, radio navigation aids, aviation maintenance and engineering, environmental management and aviation rescue and firefighting.

SOURCE: Airservices Australia
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