Scandinavian Airlines Joins Aviation, Energy And Academic Leaders To Accelerate Development And Avai

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25th September 2008, 01:54pm - Views: 889

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Scandinavian Airlines System

Denmark Norway Sweden

Level 17, 31 Market Street

Sydney 2000


Phone: Inside Aust 1300 727 707

            Outside Aust +61 2 9283 9111

Fax: +61 2 9283 9133


Scandinavian Airlines Joins Aviation, Energy and Academic

Leaders to Accelerate Development and Availability of Sustainable


Environmental groups applaud effort to develop sustainable fuel alternatives

Sydney - 12.05 pm, Sept 25, 2008 – SAS Scandinavian Airlines has, with other leading air carriers,

Boeing (NYSE:BA) and Honeywell’s UOP, a refining technology developer, established a group to

accelerate the development and commercialization of sustainable new aviation fuels. 

With support and advice from the world’s leading environmental organizations, the World Wildlife Fund

(WWF) and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group

makes commercial aviation the first global transportation sector to voluntarily drive verifiable

sustainability practices into its fuel supply chain. 

The group’s charter is to enable the commercial use of renewable fuel sources that can reduce

greenhouse gas emissions, while lessening commercial aviation’s exposure to oil price volatility and

dependence on fossil fuels. Airlines supporting the sustainable fuels initiative include Air France, Air

New Zealand, All Nippon Airways, Cargolux, Continental Airlines, Gulf Air, Japan Airlines, KLM, SAS

Scandinavian Airlines and Virgin Atlantic Airways. Collectively, they account for more than 15 percent of

commercial jet fuel use.

"We welcome the aviation sector's will to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and appreciate their

efforts to ensure the sustainability of their biofuels sourcing," says Jean-Philippe Denruyter, WWF

Global Bioenergy Coordinator and Steering Board Member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels.

"By teaming up with the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels, the aviation sector can build on an existing

solid multi-stakeholder process that will reinforce this initiative.” 

All group members subscribe to a sustainability pledge (link to pledge) stipulating that any sustainable

biofuel must perform as well as, or better than, kerosene-based fuel, but with a smaller carbon lifecycle.

The user’s group pledged to consider only renewable fuel sources with minimal impacts to the

biosphere: fuels that require minimal land, water and energy to produce, and that don’t compete with

food or fresh water resources. In addition, cultivation and harvest of plant stocks must provide

socioeconomic value to the local communities. 

"We have for many years been part of a number of research and development projects regarding

renewable biofuels, with the aim to find a long-term solution for aviation," says Niels Eirik Nertun,

Environment Director, SAS Group. "We bring all this experience into this group and will now put all our

focus on together finding durable and lasting solutions for the future."

The group has announced two initial sustainability research projects. Yale University’s School of

Forestry & Environmental Studies, through funding provided by Boeing, will conduct the first peer-

reviewed, comprehensive sustainability assessment of jatropha curcas, to include lifecycle CO2

emissions and the socio-economic impacts to farmers in developing nations. Similarly, NRDC will

conduct a comprehensive assessment of algae to ensure it meets the group’s stringent sustainability


Both species may potentially become part of a portfolio of biomass-based renewable fuel solutions that,

through advanced fuel processing methodologies developed by energy sector leaders such as UOP,

can help aviation diversify its fuel supply. 

"One of the SAS Group's six environmental goals is to be amongst the first airlines to include renewable

biofuel for commercial flights. This is in line with our already released environmental strategy, which

includes halving our greenhouse gas emission per passenger kilometre by 2020. Now we are one step

closer to realizing our environmental goals," says Niels Eirik Nertun.


25 September 2008

Industry Aviation Scandianvian Airlines 2 image

Scandinavian Airlines System

Denmark Norway Sweden

Level 17, 31 Market Street

Sydney 2000


Phone: Inside Aust 1300 727 707

            Outside Aust +61 2 9283 9111

Fax: +61 2 9283 9133


For information visit or call SAS on 1300 727 707.

Scandinavian Airlines offers daily connections from Australia in co-operation with selected Star

Alliance™ partners THAI, Singapore Airlines, Air China, United Airlines and frequent flyer partner

Qantas. Services operate via Asia and North America to more than 75 destinations in Scandinavia,

Finland, the Baltic’s and Europe, utilising the gateways of Stockholm and Copenhagen.

Scandinavian Airlines International is the long-haul operator of SAS with 1.4 million passengers per

year. The fleet consists of Airbus A330s and A340s, serving 10 destinations: New York, Chicago,

Washington, Seattle, Bangkok, Beijing, Tokyo, Dubai, Copenhagen and Stockholm. In 2008, SAS

International will launch flights to Delhi.

Media information and photo request contact: Satu Raunola, Finnesse Communications

Tel 02 9929 6044 Mob 0411 545 617 Email

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