Abigroup Addresses Skills Shortages Through Staff Training

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11th June 2008, 12:30pm - Views: 1169

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Abigroup addresses skills shortages through staff training

11 June 2008

Today’s construction environment is vastly different to when many site

workers originally entered the workforce and as a result, skills

requirements have changed. Abigroup is taking the lead in addressing

workplace shortages by providing staff with the chance to further develop

and strengthen their skills and experiences with formal training. 

On 4 June, 32 Abigroup foremen and leading hands working on the

Bonville Upgrade on NSW’s North Coast graduated from a TAFE NSW

computer course. As a result, the graduates’ enhanced computer literacy

has given them the ability to not only develop in their existing roles but

also to tap into future training with the Tier 1 company.

The participants received a Statement of Attainment in the nationally

recognised competencies of Operate a personal computer and Send and

retrieve information using web browsers and email. The participants

undertook the training as part of the Workplace English Language and

Literacy (WELL) Programme, which is funded by the Department of

Education, Science and Training.

“By recognising a skills gap in Abigroup’s workforce, we have taken this as

an opportunity to train valued employers and arm them with the

necessary skills to potentially take on greater responsibility,” said

Abigroup Learning and Development Manager Michael Hall.

Those that completed the certificate will now be able to participate in

Abigroup’s professional development program to further extend their

skills. Due to the success of the WELL program at Bonville, further courses

will also shortly commence on Abigroup’s Coolac, K2B and Hume Highway

Southern Alliance sites.

Six indigenous trainees from the Bonville Upgrade also successfully

completed the Civil Construction Certificate II course. “The ability that the

trainees displayed to learn and develop into competent construction

workers is exemplified by the fact they have become an integral part of

their respective work crews. The trainees have cemented themselves a

career in the construction industry,” said Abigroup’s Regional OH&S Co-

ordinator Dan Guthrie.

Industry Construction Abigroup 2 image

Abigroup Contractors is one of Australia’s leading engineering and

building companies. Works are undertaken in areas including

roads, bridges, dams, rail, water, telecommunications and mining

infrastructure. Abigroup is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bilfinger

Berger AG, one of the world’s top ten construction companies.

[Ends – 313 words]

Further information:

Corporate Communications

Abigroup Limited

Ph (02) 9499 0999

Fax (02) 9499 3822

Email: abimail@abigroup.com.au

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