Sunday 13 December 2009
Postal workers enlist Santa Clause in industrial action
Australian postal workers have enlisted Santa Clause in their industrial campaign,
pledging to deliver free mail from 12am midnight on Monday the 14th of
December and in the lead up to Christmas.
MEDIA NOTE: A postal worker on the back of postal motorbike dressed as
Santa Clause will mock up the delivery of free post at 12.30pm today at 36
Lake Park Road, Narabeen.
The NSW CEPU Postal union said the action is part of a campaign to protect
members jobs against changes to the postal system.
Australia Post has in the past three months slashed 225 post office and
administration jobs in NSW. Another 33 Post Office administration employees
were given a Christmas cheer only last week of their jobs no longer required.
This follows the announcement of management whereby the entire Postie
workforce of fulltime jobs are to be converted to part time employment.
NSW CEPU Secretary Jim Metcher urged Australia Post costumers to show their
support for the campaign by taking advantage of the free Christmas post action.
Australia Post customers can get behind our campaign for better job security for
postal workers and their families by taking part and sending free post this
Christmas, Mr Metcher said.
What we want to do is send Australia Post a strong public message that workers
and their families deserve a bit of piece of mind these holidays,
All we want Australia Post to do is guarantee in a new EBA that permanent full
time postie jobs will be the preferred employment option and put a stop to the
staffing cuts at all post offices that will end the long growing queues and rising
customer complaints.
Mr Metcher said the free Christmas post action was an opportunity for postal
workers to send Australia Post a message while limiting the disruption to
customers this festive season.
Australia Post workers understand that Christmas is a busy period for the postal
system, with millions of people sending cards and presents to loved ones,
Thats why postal workers will try to limit the disruption to Australia Post
Australia Post has threatened to stand down and dock the pay of workers caught
taking part in the free Christmas post action.
Mr Metcher has warned that under Australia Posts planned job cuts across the
system customers could expect longer queues at the local post office and delays
in mail delivery.
Media enquiry can be made with Jim Metcher on (02) 9893 7822 or 0418 656
262 or Tim Fitzsimmons on 0423 375 522.
NSW Postal & Telecommunications Branch (ABN 81 643 762 631)
Level 3, 81 George Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150 PO Box 250, Parramatta NSW 2124
Tel: (02) 9893 7822 Fax: (02) 9893 7396 E-mail: Website: