MEDIA ALERT: Tuesday 22 December 2009
Postal workers to rally in Sydney today
Australia Post workers will gather in Sydney today for a protest rally
following managements decision to walk away from negotiations with the
The Communication Electrical and Plumbing Union (CEPU) said that as of
12midnight last night postal workers walked off the job as part of their
industrial action before heading to the rally in the city centre.
What: Australia Post Workers rally in Sydney today.
When: 12noon today, Tuesday 22nd of December 2009
Where: outside Australia Post Headquarters 219-241 Cleveland Street
Strawberry Hills
Who: Workers and their supporters will be addressed by CEPU NSW
Secretary Jim Metcher, CEPU National Secretary Ed Husic, and
Unions NSW Secretary Mark Lennon.
Workers are disappointed that Australia Post has failed to avoid further
disruptions to the mail service by broking a fair and reasonable deal, Mr
Metcher said.
Workers are fighting for a postal service that is run by a committed, full-
time workforce; where customers receive a reliable and quality service
when they need it, Mr Metcher said.
However, Australia Post management is driving an agenda that would
see the postal service dominated by part-time employment, fewer post
offices and much longer waiting times for customers.
One of the reasons this industrial dispute has become so bitter is that the
workers are taking a stand against this management agenda that they see
as the death-knell for a reliable and quality postal service.
During the past three months Australia Post has slashed hundreds of post
office and administration jobs across the nation, with 225 post
office/administration jobs going in NSW alone.
Another 33 NSW Post Office administration employees were only recently
given notice of their jobs being no longer required after Christmas.
The onus is now on Australia Post to return to the negotiating table and
help put end to this dispute by delivering a deal that protects job security.
For further media enquiries can be made with Jim Metcher on (02) 9893
7822 or 0418 656 262 or Tim Fitzsimmons on 0423 375 522
NSW Postal & Telecommunications Branch (ABN 81 643 762 631)
Level 3, 81 George Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150 PO Box 250, Parramatta NSW 2124
Tel: (02) 9893 7822 Fax: (02) 9893 7396 E-mail: Website:
NSW Postal & Telecommunications Branch (ABN 81 643 762 631)
Level 3, 81 George Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150 PO Box 250, Parramatta NSW 2124
Tel: (02) 9893 7822 Fax: (02) 9893 7396 E-mail: Website: