Staff To Question Management At Suncorp Agm Over Backflips To Proposed Agreement

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3rd November 2010, 08:05pm - Views: 10261

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Media Release

Embargoed until Thursday, 4th November 2010

Staff to question management at Suncorp AGM over backflips to

proposed agreement 

Media Opportunity:

What: FSU Spokesperson and Suncorp staff member to speak before AGM

Where: Reception, Sofitel 249 Turbot St, Brisbane 

When: 1.30pm press conference, ahead of 2.30pm AGM commencement

Suncorp has backflipped on verbal and written agreements, making unilateral changes

to a proposed enterprise agreement and reneging on commitments to staff said the

Finance Sector Union today.

After the recent profit announcement of $780 million, Suncorp employees have a right

to know how management can justify a pay offer that doesn’t keep up with CPI and that

would deprive staff of work/life balance and entitlements.

FSU Queensland branch Lead Organiser Travis O’Brien said that Suncorp had reneged

on a written agreement with ex-GIO staff who would now be covered by the new

agreement; seriously diminishing personal leave, long service leave and superannuation


“Suncorp management need to answer the questions that these loyal employees are

asking, and the AGM presents the forum to raise these concerns and make shareholders

aware of them,” said Travis O’Brien.

“Considering Suncorp’s healthy profits thanks to the hard work of its loyal employees, it

is simply not good enough that their pay offer will not keep up with the cost of living

over the next four years.

“All 17,000 employees at Suncorp are at risk of losing valuable weekend penalties and

loadings, and a restriction on flexibility.

“Suncorp has engaged in bad faith negotiation tactics by unilaterally terminating

negotiations and then making changes to the agreement without first consulting the

union, and in direct contradiction of terms that had previously been agreed.

“The FSU is committed to upholding our members’ valid concerns about Suncorp’s

behaviour and the miserly offer that disadvantages employees. We hope to continue

negotiations and resolve the matter in a way that recognises staff entitlements in full,”

said Mr O’Brien.

The FSU has lodged an application with Fair Work Australia over the matter, and the

union is awaiting details of a hearing.


Media contact: Travis O’Brien, 0434 165 696.

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