Aviation Fire Fighters Receive High Tech Protective Equipment
7th December 2009 -
Views: 854
Airservices fire fighters are now equipped with the latest in 'smart' personal protective equipment as part of a $2.4 million national upgrade of fire fighting gear.
Learn To Fly With The Help Of Airservices Australia
2nd December 2009 -
Views: 879
AWPA also has four Airservices-funded scholarships for women wishing to pursue an aviation career. Each scholarship is valued at $6000 and subsidises the cost of obtaining a Private or Commercial Pilot's Licence.
Flight Inspection Service Keeps Holiday-makers Safe
1st December 2009 -
Views: 832
Airservices Flight Inspection Service (FIS) will check critical air navigation equipment this December to ensure that aircraft and their passengers make it to their destinations safely this holiday season.
100th Radio Site Upgraded As Comms Project Reaches Milestone
30th November 2009 -
Views: 797
A ground-breaking project to modernise and upgrade the VHF radio communication network vital to safe air navigation across Australia has reached a major milestone.
Air China Transports 10,000 Pilgrims To Mecca
26th November 2009 -
Views: 856
Between 30th October to 18th November, Air China transported nearly 10,000 pilgrims to the holy meeting site of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.