Abigroup Applauds Victorian Government's Skills Investment

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27th August 2008, 04:57pm - Views: 1046

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Abigroup applauds Victorian Government’s skills investment

27 August 2008

An emphasis on greater choice announced as part of the Victorian

Government’s new training reforms was welcomed today by construction

company, Abigroup Contractors.

“Abigroup is regarded as an industry leader and invests heavily in staff

learning and development. The reforms announced today by the Victorian

Government are an important step in addressing the skill shortages in

Victoria,” said Abigroup Managing Director Peter Brecht.

“We are pleased the Victorian Government has recognised that a skilled

workforce can only be built through the increased investment and

leadership of government, working closely with businesses and

individuals. This is a major step forward,” said Peter Brecht.

The Victorian Training Guarantee will provide extra training places and will

broaden the choice of providers that can access Government funded


In October, Abigroup will open a state of the art employee training and

development facility in Truganina in Western Victoria. As Abigroup is a

Registered Training Organisation in Victoria, quality training will be offered

to attract, retain and reskill its employees.

Abigroup takes its responsibility to train its staff seriously and already

collaborates with a range of TAFE’s and private providers to deliver

training across Australia. In fact, an Abigroup employee recently won the

Regional Award for the South-West Queensland Trainee of the Year, while

other employees have secured accolades from TAFE and from the Civil

Contractors Federation (CCF).

Abigroup also sponsors civil, survey and environmental engineering

courses at the University of Newcastle in NSW and works with CivSkills in

Queensland to help disadvantaged job seekers secure employment in the

civil engineering construction industry by getting participants ‘job-ready’

through training and hands-on experience. 

Internally, Abigroup provides a Young Professionals program to the

company’s graduates, undergraduates and cadets. In 2008, over 60

employees are participating in the Australia-wide programs which provide

Industry Construction Abigroup 2 image

a structured learning and development environment. The program aims to

increase both individual and organisational capability and to proactively

address the skills shortage in Australia. 

“Abigroup’s success has been built on the back of a highly skilled and

experienced workforce so it is rewarding to see the Victorian Government

support training in key areas and offer partnerships to address current

skill shortages, said the managing director.

“Industry needs are constantly changing, so workforce skills need to be

renewed on a frequent basis. The measures announced by the

Government yesterday will make it easier for contractors such as Abigroup

to build a well trained workforce which is needed to compete in today’s

marketplace,” said Peter Brecht.

Abigroup Contractors is one of Australia’s leading engineering and

building companies. As a Registered Training Organisation,

Abigroup delivers nationally-recognised assessment, training and

qualifications in civil construction and mining in Victoria. Works

are undertaken in areas including roads, bridges, dams, rail,

water, telecommunications and mining infrastructure. Abigroup is

a wholly owned subsidiary of Bilfinger Berger Australia, part of the

global Bilfinger Berger group of companies and one of the world’s

top ten construction companies.

[Ends – 409 words]

Further information:

Corporate Communications

Abigroup Limited

Ph (02) 9499 0999

Fax (02) 9499 3822

Email: abimail@abigroup.com.au

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