Abigroup Appointed To Build Peninsula Link

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15th January 2010, 08:08pm - Views: 922

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Media Release

January 15, 2010

Abigroup appointed to build Victoria’s new Peninsula Link

Abigroup, as part of the Southern Way consortium with Bilfinger Berger and the

Royal Bank of Scotland, has been appointed to design and construct the new $759m

Peninsula Link.

The project involves the construction of 27 kilometres of motorway, with two lanes

in each direction, between the EastLink toll road in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs and

the Mornington Peninsula Freeway at Mt Martha.  

The project is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) project to design, construct, finance,

operate and maintain the road and is the first road PPP in Australia which will be toll-

free and based on an availability charge.

Abigroup’s Managing Director David Jurd said, “Abigroup is delighted to be

appointed to design and build this major new road which is predicted to reduce

travel times by up to 40 minutes compared to the current route.

“Over the past few years Abigroup has completed a significant proportion of new

road building in Victoria and only last month as part of the Monash Alliance we

completed the highly successful upgrade of the M1 Freeway in Melbourne on

schedule and within budget. The new Peninsula Link enables us to roll our project

teams on to continue the great work”

The project includes:

11 local road connections;

more than 35 bridges;

a 22 km cycling and walking path;

a roadside control centre; and

fauna crossing underpaths 

Construction work on Peninsula Link, which is forecast to create more than 4,000

direct jobs, will begin shortly with completion scheduled for early 2013.

Abigroup is a diverse national contractor with expert teams delivering works in

areas including roads, buildings, water, rail, mining services, tunnels, bridges and

telecommunications. Abigroup is a member of the Bilfinger Berger Australia group. 

For further information contact: Peter Scott, Media Relations Manager, Abigroup

Ltd, Ph: 02 9499 0756, mobile 0404 469 823.

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