Beauty And Environmental Benefits Meet On A Rooftop.

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28th August 2009, 05:01pm - Views: 936

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Beauty and environmental benefits meet on a rooftop

Sydney, 28 August, 2009 - An environmentally friendly green roof crowns a stunning

public structure in Singapore which was recently the recipient of a prestigious

environmental engineering award. 

The Marina Barrage is a dam

commissioned by PUB, Singapore’s

National Water Agency. 

It has three major purposes: to boost

Singapore’s water supply, to alleviate

flooding in low lying areas and to provide

a new lifestyle attraction and venue for

recreational activities. 

The development recently received the

top award at the American Academy of

Environmental Engineers’ Excellence in

Environmental Engineering competition. 

The rooftop area is used for outdoor

concerts and performances and as a picnic and recreation area for the complex’s

thousands of visitors. 

Pivotal to the success of the structure is VersiCell



an innovative drainage module that

enables the grass to thrive without risk of compaction despite significant pedestrian and

maintenance vehicle traffic. The modules also enable large volumes of water to be

dispersed and drained rapidly, which is particularly important during Singapore’s

frequent, heavy rainfalls. 

The VersiCell


drainage modules used in

this project are made by landscape

engineering innovator, Elmich. 

“The installed area is equivalent to the

size of four football fields,” said Elmich

Australia Pty Ltd’s Managing Director,

David Oliver. “VersiCell



modules are lightweight and made of

high-strength recycled plastic. They

provide efficient drainage without the

need to use heavy gravel and they also

protect the waterproofing membrane.

Furthermore, additional thermal and

acoustic insulation results,” he said.

Landscaping for the project was carried out by Nature Landscapes, one of Singapore’s

major contractors.  A total area of 15,000 m² was planted with cow grass (Axonopus


Elmich supplied the VersiCell


as well as the waterproofing membrane, Bitulen SK 347

for the Marina Barrage project.

The award winning Marina Barrage project

in Singapore.

The rooftop was planted with 15,000 m²

of turfgrass. 

Image courtesy of PUB.

Industry Construction Elmich Australia Pty Ltd 5 image

Over two million m² of VersiCell


has been installed on

various green roof and landscape developments

worldwide. Projects include the Sydney

Conservatorium of Music and the Melbourne Cricket

Ground (Australia), Stanford Medical School and

CalPERS HQ (USA), Wafi Mall and Dubai Mall (UAE),

Paradise St Redevelopment (UK), Infosys Building

(India), Putrajaya Convention Centre and Kuala

Lumpur Convention Centre (Malaysia), and Republic

Polytechnic and VivoCity (Singapore).

“Marina Barrage’s graceful green roof is visually

stunning and offers substantial environmental benefits

that complement the overall eco-friendly design of the

building,” said David Oliver. “VersiCell


had a major

part to play in the overall success of the project by

enabling turfgrass to be planted in high use areas,

and for rainfall to be drained and dispersed with great

efficiency,” he said. 

High resolution versions of the images in this

media release can be accessed at:

About Elmich Australia Pty Ltd:

For more than a decade, Elmich, an Australian company, has designed and created

innovations in landscape engineering. Working closely with specifiers and landscape

engineering specialists, Elmich develops customised solutions for residential,

commercial, infrastructural and industrial projects world-wide.  For further details see:


David Oliver

Managing Director

Elmich Australia Pty Ltd 

Ph:+61 2 9648 2073

Fax:+61 2 9648 4731




drainage modules

promote sub-surface

drainage and protect

waterproofing membranes.

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