Building Bridges To Circumvent City Congestion

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15th February 2010, 02:15pm - Views: 837

Building Bridges to Circumvent City Congestion

Brisbane, Australia

The Australian Government is investing $26.7 billion on road and rail infrastructure through the Nation Building Program to develop the flow of transport in our major cities.

"Unless we deal with infrastructure in Brisbane, congestion could cost three billion dollars per year by the year 2020", predicts Brisbane City Council's Chief Executive, Jude Munro.

Through the development and upgrade of transport infrastructure over the last 5 years, Brisbane has seen a 50% increase in bus patronage alone, proving "Infrastructure is critical to economic development".

Meanwhile, the Victorian Government recently awarded a $759 million dollar infrastructure project to integrate 35 bridge structures along 27 kilometres of motorway between the EastLink toll road in Melbourne's east, and the Mornington Peninsula Freeway.

The Rudd Government's Nation Building Program has proven "extremely positive in Victoria" according to Ken Mathers, CEO, Linking Melbourne Authority. "Recently, the Victorian Government had a very good outcome from an announcement by the Federal Government in relation to funds allocation under the Infrastructure Australia Program", he said.

Evidently, both public and private industries are keen for their share of the pie.

Bridges Australia 2010 will bring the industry together with government, to explore the design, planning, and delivery of major bridge projects. The conference will feature a keynote presentation by The Hon. Craig Wallace MP, Minister for Main Roads (Dept of Transport & Main Roads QLD).


For media enquiries, interview requests or further information contact:
Chris Archer
IQPC Australia
Ph: (02) 9229 1045
Email: [email protected]

Keynote Speakers at Bridges Australia 2010

*The Hon. Craig Wallace MP, Minister for Main Roads, Department of Transport & Main Roads QLD*

*David Wright, General Manager Gateway Upgrade Project, Queensland Motorways

*Gerry van der Wal, Construction Manager, Leighton Abigroup Joint Venture

*Wije Ariyaratne, Principal Bridge Engineer RTA

*Ken Mathers, CEO, Linking Melbourne Authority

*Jude Munro, CEO, Brisbane City Council

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Each year IQPC offers approximately 2,000 conferences, seminars and related learning programmes worldwide attracting a dedicated group of top decision makers year in and year out. IQPC leverages a global research base of best practices to produce an unrivaled portfolio of problem-solving conferences, in doing so provide the fastest and most enjoyable way to find out what is going on in your professional community and the best way to meet the suppliers that can help you accomplish your goals. IQPC now has offices in major cities across six continents including: Berlin, Dubai, London, New York, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney and Toronto. Finance events in New York, Rail conferences in Brussels and Marketing summits in Singapore, IQPC transfers expertise around the world, keeping delegates competitive, profitable and delivering maximum ROI.

SOURCE: IQPC Australia

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