Construction Jobs Set To Decline Further 1

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19th March 2009, 03:14pm - Views: 902

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Industry Construction Master Builders Australia 2 image

Industry Construction Master Builders Australia 3 image

Media Release

19 March 2009

Construction Jobs Set to Decline Further

Statement by Mr Wilhelm Harnisch, Chief Executive Officer

Master Builders Australia, the peak building and construction industry association, said the

building industry was bracing itself for tougher conditions ahead in 2009.

Mr Wilhelm Harnisch, Master Builders Chief Executive Officer said, “The decline in

construction jobs in the latest quarter reflects the projected decline in activity.”

“Employment data released by the ABS today lend weight to Master Builders’ prediction of

50,000 job losses in the building and construction industry over the next 12 months.”

“Master Builders’ economic survey shows that more than 50 per cent of builders surveyed by

Master Builders Australia expect staffing/sub-contract numbers to fall by more than 10 per

cent as a result of the global financial crisis.”

“In that regard, Master Builders welcomes recent initiatives by the Reserve Bank and the

Federal Government designed to insulate the economy from the worst effects of the global

financial crisis.”

“To ensure that fiscal initiatives work in a timely fashion to provide the stimulus needed to

cushion the economy, the Government must ensure that bureaucratic road blocks are

removed and that project approvals are fast-tracked.”

He said, “With the Australian economy weakening

it is crucial that Government policy is



the last thing the building industry needs

is a

less flexible industrial

relations environment that will add to uncertainty and raise costs.”

The total number employed in the construction industry in the February quarter 2009,

seasonally adjusted, fell by 0.6 per cent to 979,700 to be down by 0.5 per cent on the

February quarter 2008. 

The number employed in the construction industry in the February quarter

represented 9.1 per cent of total employed in the Australian work force, down from

9.2 per cent in the corresponding quarter a year ago.”

For further information contact:

Wilhelm Harnisch

Chief Executive Officer

Office: 02 6202 8888


0402 039 039

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