Five New Roof Systems Available For Bushfire Affected Homes

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29th October 2009, 06:57pm - Views: 1081

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Media Release

From the Building Commissioner

Thursday 29 October 2009

Five new roof systems available for bushfire affected homes

Victorians planning to rebuild on sites assessed as BAL-FZ* now have the choice

of five roofing systems tested to meet the new Australian Standard. 

Building Commissioner, Tony Arnel, welcomed the results of the testing and

encouraged building designers and builders to familiarise themselves with the roofing

systems to assist and advise bushfire affected communities to rebuild their homes.

“We are pleased to have a range of roofing systems that meet the rigorous testing

under the new Standard. It will give people the confidence of knowing that these

new roofing systems are suitable for those areas that have been assessed as

Bushfire Attack Level-FZ,” Mr Arnel said.

“This independent research and testing is a great example of industry partners

working together for the greater benefit of the Victorian community.” 

The new roofing systems tested to meet the new Australian Standard are:

The TBA Firefly Roof System. 

The tested system incorporates an internal timber truss system where a

Firefly Plus 60 blanket and other components are fitted over the roof area,

fascia and eaves. 

The system released covers valleys, barge, hips, gables and the basic roof

structure and it is understood that this system may be able to be used with

other roofing components.

Roof tiling systems developed by the Roofing Tile Association of Australia. 

As well as the basic roof test, the RTAA developed and tested other


The system released covers valleys, barge, hips, gables and the basic roof


The development of these roof systems was funded by all of the

manufacturers of roof tiles across Australia.

For more information, visit 

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Several systems based around roofing made from Bluescope Steel Limited

COLORBOND® steel, roof battens made from TRUECORE® steel or

timber, fire-resistant insulating board or plywood and timber trusses. 

These were developed in conjunction with Promat Australia Limited and

Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited.

For more information, visit

Promat Australia Limited’s main roof solution using PROMATECT® 40

Mineral Bound Magnesia board. 

These were developed in conjunction with Bluescope Steel Limited and

Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited.

For more information, visit

Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited’s Roofing Solutions systems

as developed in conjunction with Bluescope Steel Limited and Promat

Australia Pty Ltd. 

For more information, visit 

The Victorian Government introduced the new residential bushfire construction

building Standard, AS 3959-2009 in March 2009 responding to the need to better

protect our bushfire affected communities. 

“This is a great milestone for all those families and homeowners wishing to rebuild

after the devastating bushfires and paves the way for these people to have a

choice of building systems that contribute to their safety in the future while

providing flexibility in design,” said Mr Arnel.

* The new Standard sets out six Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL) with corresponding

construction requirements. BAL-FZ is the highest Bushfire Attack Level.

For further information please contact Anne Pavey from the Commissions on:

03-9285-6474 or visit 

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