Foil Insulation Halt Will Protect Workers' Safety

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9th February 2010, 03:56pm - Views: 946
Foil Insulation Halt Will Protect Workers' Safety

The suspension of foil insulation under the Federal Government's Home Insulation Program will go a long way towards protecting the health and safety of workers in the industry, the Queensland Council of Unions said today.

QCU Assistant General Secretary Amanda Richards welcomed the move by Minister Garrett saying it was an extremely positive step in tightening up standards in the insulation industry.

"The safety of workers is paramount and we are very happy with Minister Garrett's announcement.

"One death is one too many and we have seen four nation-wide in this industry since the rebate scheme was introduced two of them as a direct result of using foil insulation.

"Around 80% of the nation's total foil insulation under the scheme is in Queensland homes which is why we have recorded the highest number of deaths."

Ms Richards said that unions were still concerned about some aspects of the rebate program and would continue to raise these concerns with Minister Garrett's office.

"Even though foil insulation has been suspended, we maintain there is a need to put in place a program where all houses fitted retrospectively with foil should be inspected by a qualified electrician or equivalent competent person.

"Also, the number of companies registered in Queensland under the scheme has grown from around 200 before the rebate was introduced to approximately 1600 currently.

"Whilst this has stimulated employment in the industry, it has come at great cost to the dead and injured workers and their families and we are calling for a full audit of all companies registered.

"Businesses in this industry need to take the health and safety of their workers seriously and ensure there are safe systems in place.

"This is a basic right for all workers and one which the QCU and its affiliated unions are passionate about and will continue to fight for."

3846 2468 OR 0418 700 419

SOURCE: Queensland Council of Unions

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