Stop The Clock On Poor Development

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8th October 2010, 06:43pm - Views: 1169

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

ABN: 89 717 887 219

Ph: 07 3221 0188    

Fax: 07 3229 7992       

For Immediate Release                                                                            8 October 2010


Premier must stop the clock on rushed poorly planned Development

According Queensland Conservation, the addition of the South Caloundra development

area as a fast-tracked Urban Development Area questions government promises on

sustainable development, accountability and affordable housing.

‘We urge the Premier to stop the clock on this rushed development,’ said Toby Hutcheon,

Executive Director of QCC

‘The Premier has promised green, liveable and affordable communities but imposing

unrealistic planning deadlines makes this impossible.’

‘Government claims that accelerated fast tracking of developments is about supplying

affordable housing is false,’ said Hutcheon

‘There are two costs associated with housing; the cost to buy and the cost to live. Studies

clearly show that poorly planned development on the urban fringe are significantly more

expensive to live in as inner city suburbs. That is not affordable housing.’

‘The Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) –already responsible for three other

UDA’s in SEQ-Flagstone, Ripley Valley and Yarrabilba-must be given the time and the

resources to get that planning right first.’ said Hutcheon

QCC is calling on the State government to stop the clock and let the ULDA do its job, to

fully engage with other State Government agencies, with local government, infrastructure

providers, environmentally-responsible developers, innovators and environment and

community organisations. 

‘This is about planning a sustainable future; there are no second chances if the planning

is wrong.’ said Hutcheon

For More Information: Toby Hutcheon

Media Release

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Extract from Cities for the Future-Australian Sustainable Built Environment

Council February 2010

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