Ten Tips To Prepare Your Home For A Bushfire

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12th February 2010, 12:17pm - Views: 1068

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For further information, please contact Anne Pavey Manager Marketing and Public Relations  e

Media Release

              12 February 2010 


If you live, or plan to build, in a bushfire prone area, there are many precautions you can take to

help protect your home and maximise your safety.

When planning to build or renovate, key steps include ensuring an appropriate building site

location, using suitable building materials, ensuring proximity to independent water resources

and managing the vegetation surrounding the building. It is also important to ensure your

property is accessible for emergency vehicles. 

The following tips should help reduce the risk of damage to homes in bushfire prone areas: 


Use building materials appropriate for the conditions and your Bushfire Attack Level

(BAL) as required by the Australian Standard 3959-2009.


Build your home using non-combustible materials such as brick, concrete and steel. 


If you prefer timber, there are a range of timber products available that offer various

levels of fire resistance appropriate for most BALs. The following timbers can be used but

must also have a thickness greater than 18mm: Blackbutt, Kwila, (Merbau), Red

Ironbark, River Red Gum, Silver-top Ash, Spotted Gum and Turpentine.


As the main threat to the majority of homes is ember attack, it is suggested that

you install screens with an opening of less than 2mm, draught excluders around

doors and windows and ensure that any other gaps are less than 3 mm. This is

particularly important around eaves and window frames.


Clear sub-floor spaces under decks and ensure that no debris or materials are

stored under or near the home. 


Remove any overhanging tree branches, take out shrubs over 1 metre next to or below

windows, keep grass short and clean up other debris near your building site or home that

could easily catch fire to help provide some defendable space


Follow the step-by-step guide to protecting your home from fire by downloading the

Country Fire Authority (CFA) Fire Ready Kit from www.cfa.vic.gov.au or phoning the

Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 for a copy


Ensure you have a Bushfire Survival Plan  in place and practise it regularly


Get involved in community meetings about fire preparedness in the neighbourhood. Go

to the CFA website for meeting details

10. If you have a full rainwater tank near your home, ensure it is accessible and equipped to

fight fires. You also might consider installing a fire sprinkler system.

For information on assessing your Bushfire Attack Level (BAL), contact your building surveyor,

designer or the Building Commission on1300 815 127.

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