Australia Post Responsible For National Postal Service Disruptions In Final Week

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20th December 2009, 12:08pm - Views: 1107

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MEDIA RELEASE: Sunday 20 December 2009 

Australia Post Responsible for National Postal Service

Disruptions in Final week before Christmas, say Workers    


This week’s industrial action in Australia Post will go ahead after

management rejected an opportunity to reopen negotiations over the


The Postal Union today said Australia Post had refused to attend an

invitation by the Union to return to urgent talks to resolve the impasse that

is preventing a new Agreement from being reached that would deliver

32,000 Postal Workers job security, safety and pay. 

These urgent talks were rejected by Australia Post despite the Union, in

an act of good faith, removing all of its partial bans from Friday 18/12 -

Monday 21/12 to allow the talks to occur free of any industrial action


Australia Post are to be held responsible for the disruptions to postal

services from hereon given this untenable situation facing its 32,000

strong workforce.

An Agreement has been delayed by Australia Post for three years despite

the patience and genuine negotiations by the workers and their Union. 

By not having an Agreement, Australia Post has during the past three

months slashed hundreds of post office and administration jobs across the

nation, with 225 post office/administration jobs going in NSW alone. 

Another 33 NSW Post Office administration employees were only recently

given notice of their jobs being no longer required after Christmas.

This follows the announcement of Australia Post to convert the entire

Postie full time workforce to part time employment.


NSW CEPU Secretary Jim Metcher said; “Australia Post are failing their

32,000 workforce of mums and dads and are failing the tens of thousands

of postal users on a daily basis.

He said, “I have never observed so much anger ever by postal workers

towards the executive management of Australia Post. 

The nation’s postal service is deteriorating at a rapid rate and just won’t

get any better where you have a regime of executives within Australia Post

putting their ego’s ahead of providing a reliable and quality postal service”. 

Media enquiries : Jim Metcher on (02) 9893 7822 or 0418 656262

Note: A protest rally of postal workers is planned for 12 noon this

coming Tuesday 22 December outside Australia Post Headquarters

219-241 Cleveland Street Strawberry Hills


NSW Postal & Telecommunications Branch (ABN 81 643 762 631)

Level 3, 81 George Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150 — PO Box 250, Parramatta NSW 2124


NSW Postal & Telecommunications Branch (ABN 81 643 762 631)

Level 3, 81 George Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150 — PO Box 250, Parramatta NSW 2124

Tel: (02) 9893 7822  Fax: (02) 9893 7396  E-mail:  Website:

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