Local Education Assistants, School Cleaners And Gardeners To Stop Work

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10th November 2009, 11:30pm - Views: 1104

Media Release



November 2009

**Strictly embargoed until 5pm, Tuesday, 10th November**

Half-day stop work meeting hits WA schools

On Wednesday 11th November, up to 10,000 Education Assistants, Cleaners and Gardeners in

government schools across Western Australia will go on a half-day stop work meeting as part of

a sustained campaign for a better pay deal.

The action will start at the beginning of the school day.

Dave Kelly, secretary of the LHMU, said the stop work action was being taken by members

“reluctantly” but it came as a direct result of the government cutting the pay by upto 40% of 54

members who implemented minor workbans.

“Our members are saying that if the government is not going to pay them properly they might as

well not go to work at all,” he said.


“Colin Barnett and Troy Buswell are not listening. They have provoked this action by refusing to

negotiate their insulting pay offer.

“It’s not like these workbans were major duties. They included not raking a sand pit or not doing

photocopying for teachers so the cut is totally out of proportion.

“These cuts amount to $200 or $300 less per week for these workers to live on and could mean

they have to choose between paying their bills or feeding their children.”

The state government is offering these workers just 44c an hour pay raise, which equates to

2.5%, despite putting up household bills, including electricity, by around 25%.

To add insult to injury, teachers have been given a 20% increase while other public service

executives have seen pay rises of over $90,000.

“Members are sending a clear message to the state government that they are not going to be

treated like second class citizens anymore,” said Mr Kelly.

“The workers should be offered pay rises in line with other public sector workers.” 

   Media Release

People Feature LHMU 2 image

Mr Kelly added that teachers and parents were supporting their campaign. 

Special schools have also been given extra notice of the strike.

“These are essential workers in education and yet many of them are paid less than $35,000 a

year, which is shameful,” he said.

“Western Australia is a prosperous state and the cost of living here is rising steadily. But

unfortunately education workers are being left behind.”

Metropolitan LHMU members will meet at 10.30am outside the premier’s offices – Governor

Stirling Tower, 197 St George Terrace.

Country members who live in a National held seat will go to their local National electorate office

at 10.30am.

LHMU members will be at Governor Stirling Tower at 10.30am, and are available

for comment, photographs and filming opportunities.

Contact: Jo Manning 9388 5492 / 0405 567228

Email:  manningj@lhmu.org.au        61 Thomas Street, Subiaco WA 6008       

Authorised by Dave Kelly

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