Mua Bosses Threaten Livelihoods Of Thousands

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4th December 2009, 09:00am - Views: 1122

Industry Industrial Relations AMMA - Australian Mines And Metals Association 1 image

Media Contact:       Minna Knight

M: 0407636153      E:

Australian Mines and Metals Association

Friday, 4 December 2009


MUA union bosses threatening livelihoods of thousands 

Australia’s peak mining and resources employer body, AMMA, has revealed today union bosses

in charge of the MUA are now


forcing workers to go out on strike against


employers involved in the offshore oil and gas industry in Western Australia.

“Last week it was Farstad

and this week

they are


Total Marine Services and Go


AMMA Chief Executive, Steve Knott, said the latest strike activity, set to shut down offshore

vessel operations for 48 hours at Total Marine Services

from Friday, was a worrying

development that had the potential to threaten the livelihoods of thousands of other hard

working Australians and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.


has also obtained a further ballot order from Fair Work Australia for strike action

against another employer, Go Offshore. 

"I think most fair minded Australians would be asking themselves how anyone could justify

asking for such an outlandish pay rise, particularly at a time of such economic uncertainty." 

"The bosses of the MUA Western Australian division appear prepared to stop at nothing in

pursuit of unsustainable pay increases and allowances of up to $3500 per week ($90 000 per

annum) on top of an existing minimum salary of at least $100 000." Mr Knott said.

“The MUA has already been offered increases by these employers of over 25%

on top of

current salaries, yet it’s still not enough.”

Mr Knott said the average Australian worker currently receives $62,500 a year. 

"They work just as hard, and in some cases, even harder than members of the MUA, yet we

don't see these employees demanding unsustainable pay rises" Mr Knott said,


when you consider they already earn nearly double what the average Australian worker does."

The MUA is

also demanding that $45 per day, for each employee is to be deposited into a

separate union managed fund.

Mr Knott said there are a growing number of employers across the entire

sector who were

genuinely afraid the MUA was clearly determined to scuttle the entire industry

at a time of in

pursuit of a completely unrealistic pay rise for a select few -

at the cost of job creation and

security of employment for every other worker involved in the sector.


Media Contact:       Minna Knight

M: 0407636153      E:

"Every day the MUA union bosses demand these workers go out on strike, thousands of other

workers are also affected.

Projects get delayed, employers are forced to postpone plans and

investors start to question why unions such as the MUA get away with holding the Australian oil

and gas sector to ransom.”

Media Contacts / Further Information: 


Minna Knight 



Joe Homsey


Total Marine Services 

Michael Llewellyn


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