New Protections And Minimum Standards Will Be Better For All Australian Workers

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30th December 2009, 04:07pm - Views: 997

Australian Council of Trade Unions


Embargoed to 12.01am, 31 December 2009

New protections and minimum standards will be

better for all Australian workers

New minimum employment standards that come into effect on New Year’s Day will be

good for all Australian workers and represent a major step forward from WorkChoices,

say unions.

Welcoming the changes, the ACTU says the 10 National Employment Standards deliver

on a core part of the Your Rights at Work union and community campaign against


They set out minimum entitlements for all workers that cannot be taken away under any

circumstances, including hours of work, leave, notice of termination and redundancy


Also, a raft of modern industry awards which begin to take effect from 1 January will

provide additional enforceable minimum employment terms and conditions for hundreds

of thousands of other workers, including minimum wages, penalty rates, and


But ACTU President Sharan Burrow said the newly-won rights and protections were

already under threat from the Federal Opposition led by Tony Abbott, who has signalled

he wants to bring back a new version of WorkChoices.

“We’ve come a long way in the past two years since the successful union and

community campaign against the former Liberal Government’s WorkChoices laws,” Ms

Burrow said.

“Those laws removed protection from unfair dismissal gave many young and vulnerable

workers little or no job security.

“They stripped away the safety net and made it almost impossible for workers to

collectively bargain, exposing them to harassment or discrimination for joining a union.

“The new rights and protections that come into force on New Year’s Day are in addition

to enhanced unfair dismissal protection, rights to collective bargaining and a good faith

bargaining regime for all workers that began in July 2009.”

A key innovation in the improved safety net is a new right to request flexible working


Employers will for the first time have a legal obligation to seriously consider a request for

flexible work arrangements – such as different start and finish times, or working from

home -  and only refuse it on reasonable business grounds.

People Feature ACTU 1 image

Ms Burrow said this was a crucial breakthrough for working parents juggling family

responsibilities, but would also benefit employers by increasing staff retention, reducing

absenteeism, and achieving greater productivity through increased job satisfaction.

“Parents and carers often face obstacles to participating in the workforce, and one

significant hurdle has always been inflexible working hours. Improving workforce

participation for parents is an ongoing goal of Australian unions,” Ms Burrow said.

Unions will be working with the Federal Government to ensure workers are informed of

their improved rights and employers are aware of their new obligations. 

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