Telstra Short Changes Its Workforce - Workers Decide To Strike Again

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4th November 2009, 11:23am - Views: 1036

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Ref: SLD 09/404

4 November 2009

CEPU (Communications Electrical Plumbing Union)

Communications Division representing Telstra,

Australia Post, Optus and other communications

sector employees.

CEPU Communications Division, Telecommunications and Services Branch, Victoria, 1st Floor,

139 Queensberry Street, Carlton South VIC 3053 Ph: 03 9349 4411 Fax: 03 9349 3488



Telstra workers across the country have again voted overwhelmingly to recommence

industrial action as negotiations for a new EBA have reached a stalemate.

Telstra management is pursuing a deliberate strategy of dividing its workforce, in

order to further its ambition to pay them less, reduce their rights and profit at the

expense of the employees that deliver Telstra’s profit. In short Telstra do not want to

give up WorkChoices and they don’t care how damaging that strategy is to

shareholder value.

Telstra are attempting to punish employees who choose a union negotiated

agreement by offering less pay, and they

have concocted a means of getting around

the Federal Governments laws by forcing many employees to  remain on the non

negotiated pay arrangements established via the Howard Governments individual

contracts (AWA's).

As a result, and despite four months of

negotiations, Telstra workers have taken a

decision to return to strike action to secure a fair agreement. The industrial action will

commence on Friday this week and will be ongoing.

Unfortunately the strikes and other industrial action will disrupt the

provision of

maintenance and installation of high tech services, communication systems, internet

and computer services, particularly for the large corporate and large government

customers, and may also impact the telephone and data network transmission

systems throughout Australia. This comes at a time when Telstra continue to record

levels of complaints to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman. Shareholders

should ask David Thodey how he intends to deliver on his undertakings to the TIO

that service will improve at Telstra and they intend to stop exposing the shareholders

to multi millions of dollars worth of fines.

"Whilst Telstra management will be using it's annual share holders meeting to try to

divert shareholders from criticising management's abysmal handling of Telstra's

disastrous  campaign and bid to secure the National Broadband contract, and blame

the Federal Government for the terrible position it finds itself in, at the same time it is

waging war on it's employees by offering only a pathetic pay rise over three years,

and refusing to allow it's employees to have access to arbitration for fair treatment"

says Len Cooper, Communications Division President of the CEPU. 

The new leadership of Telstra needs to stop whingeing about it's current position and

start knuckling down to negotiating a decent deal with the Federal Government which


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protects jobs and working conditions for it's employees and not just shareholder

value, and it needs to demonstrate that there has been real change at the top finally

settling the long running injustices practiced against it's workforce says Len Cooper. 

Telstra management are the architects of all of the problems the company finds itself

in, yet they refuse to take any responsibility, rather they make shareholders,

employees and customers pay for their mammoth strategy failings.

Authorised by and further enquiries to: 


National President

Communications Division

Branch Secretary

Communications Union (CEPU)

M. 0438 389 302 

B. 03 9349 4411

Ahs: 9330 2668

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