Young Workers Deserve Union Standards: Etu Says Review Insulation Safety

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11th February 2010, 02:37pm - Views: 1092

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Media Release

Thursday, 11th February 2010 

Young workers deserve union

standards: ETU calls for review on

insulation safety standards

The ETU Victorian branch called on the government today to review safety

practices by independent contractors in light of the deaths of young workers.

State Secretary Dean Mighell said the same protections that unions had fought

for on building sites ought to extend to young workers at every level.

“The fact that there was no discussion with unions or industry groups prior to

introducing the insulation program is a major oversight,” Mr Mighell said.

“No scrutiny of installers, no regulation, no training and no protection for the

public or workers, no government consultation with unions because we would

demand OH&S standards.

“These door knocking globe changers, dodgy solar installers and insulation

rogues are all thriving industries on the back of Government grants without any


“We need to crack down on dodgy contractors and unqualified operators to avoid

any more tragic deaths in this industry.

“We are calling on the Government to regulate the independent contracting

sector to ensure that young workers can receive the same high standards of

training and safety measures they can expect on a unionised worksite.

“Young workers deserve the same rights they can expect on big building sites

where union Occupational Health and Safety regulations are imposed,” said Mr


For more information or to arrange an interview please contact Anaya Latter on

0432 121 636

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