Baulderstone Exceeds Expectations On Green Star Rating
6th April 2010 -
Views: 1124
Through the introduction of green IT technology alone at its new offices, Baulderstone expects to save over $150,000 a year in operational costs.
Master Builders Australia - Ber Should Stay 1
6th April 2010 -
Views: 1063
He said, “Instead the BER has been a crucial component in keeping Australia out of recession by contributing at least one per cent to GDP in 2009/10 and has therefore played a vital role underpinning confidence and employment.
Master Builders Australia Says Approvals Wane As Stimulus Fades
31st March 2010 -
Views: 1012
A second consecutive fall in dwelling approvals and another big fall in non-residential building approvals in February mark the end of the big upswing in approvals caused by the Government’s stimulus initiatives, according to Master Builders Australia, the peak body for the building and construction industry.
Master Builders Welcomes Funding For Additional Training Places 1
29th March 2010 -
Views: 1033
Mr Wilhelm Harnisch, CEO of Master Builders Australia said: “This additional training will further assist industry to deal with emerging skills shortages and an ageing workforce.
Master Builders Australia - Upswing In Dwelling Starts 1
17th March 2010 -
Views: 1096
The number of private new houses commenced rose by 13.4 per cent to 28,343, up 28.3 per cent from the corresponding quarter a year ago.