Ian Anderson Will Lead Both Adt Security And Armourguard Security In New Zealand
25th November 2009 -
Views: 2580
Ian Anderson is appointed as General Manager of ADT Security in New Zealand, in addition to his role as General Manager of Armourguard Security for New Zealand/ Fiji.
Australia's Engineering Challenge For The 21st Century
20th October 2009 -
Views: 1184
On 5 November 2009 The Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering will launch a landmark report, which comprehensively reviews professional engineering performance, innovation and risk.
Elithis Tower, The First Positive Energy Office Structure, Is Now Open
30th September 2009 -
Views: 1068
The Elithis Tower, designed and constructed as the world's most environmentally sound building, has just been unveiled.
Scuderi Group To Introduce New Thermodynamic Process At Iaa
8th September 2009 -
Views: 1297
Scuderi Group, LLC will announce next week that it has proven the revolutionary concept of Firing After Top Dead Center, a new thermodynamic process - the Scuderi Cycle - that has the potential to be the biggest advancement in internal combustion engines since the Otto cycle over 130 years ago.
Kema And Gasunie Reach Agreement On Acquisition Of Gasunie Engineering & Technology
1st July 2009 -
Views: 1061
KEMA and Gasunie have reached a definitive agreement concerning the acquisition of Gasunie Engineering & Technology (GET).