Architecture Press Releases & Articles 46 - 50 of 72

'when' Venice Calls For Australian Cities Of The Future starstarstarstarstar   26th October 2009 - Views: 1278 'when' Venice Calls For Australian Cities Of The Future Liberating architects from current planning and design constraints and encouraging speculative, futuristic visions, the Designs for Australia’s cities 2050+ competition is being held to source material for the WHEN part of Australia’s exhibition.

Celebrating Australia's Distinct Design Culture In The Act starstarstarstarstar   23rd October 2009 - Views: 1295 Celebrating Australia's Distinct Design Culture In The Act A program of free public events in Canberra celebrating the role of Australian architecture in our homes and communities marks this year’s National Architecture Week, 26-31 October.

Archicentre Calls For Window Modifications On Multi Storey Flats And Houses starstarstarstarstar   19th October 2009 - Views: 1275 Archicentre has called upon parents with young children living in multi storey flats and houses to modify windows to prevent children falling out of them. The call follows the death of a three year old toddler in Sydney yesterday who fell from the window of a third floor flat.

Shedding Light On Architecture's 10x10x10 starstarstarstarstar   19th October 2009 - Views: 1307 Shedding Light On Architecture's 10x10x10 The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing more than 9500 members across Australia and overseas. The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design.

Golden Opportunity For Regional Design starstarstarstarstar   14th October 2009 - Views: 1356 Golden Opportunity For Regional Design Presented by the Australian Institute of Architects, the inaugural meet-and-greet will feature presentations by regional architecture prize-winners on how client values and community consultation influence the design outcome.

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