Construction Press Releases & Articles 11 - 15 of 244

The Real Cost Of Marine Development starstarstarstarstar   12th January 2010 - Views: 857 BHP has 'rapid' plans to bolster iron-ore exports to international markets, which will mean upgrades and further construction to West Australia's Port Headland. The company predicts mineral exports will top 200 million tonnes in 2011.

'burj Khalifa' Is Unveiled To The World And Its Official Height Is 828 Metres starstarstarstarstar   5th January 2010 - Views: 821 'burj Khalifa' Is Unveiled To The World And Its Official Height Is 828 Metres The official height of the tower, unveiled as 'Burj Khalifa', was announced as 828 metres (2,716.5 ft).

Green Brain Making Melbourne Think starstarstarstarstar   22nd December 2009 - Views: 940 Green Brain Making Melbourne Think Three cutting-edge RMIT University building projects, valued at more than $270 million, are transforming the northern end of Swanston Street, Melbourne’s main civic axis.

Otis Subsidiary To Provide More Than A Thousand Elevators For Singapore Public Housing Estates starstarstarstarstar   9th December 2009 - Views: 849 Otis Elevator Company's subsidiary Sigma Elevator Singapore was awarded two contracts from the Singapore Housing and Development Board (HDB) to supply and install 1,300 elevators in public housing estates.

Abigroup Delivers $52 Million Geraldton Highway Link Early starstarstarstarstar   4th December 2009 - Views: 894 Abigroup Delivers $52 Million Geraldton Highway Link Early The GSTC-2 is designed to significantly reduce the volume of heavy and oversize vehicles using the local road network, thereby improving safety while also providing a direct east-west link to the Port of Geraldton.

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