Master Builders Australia - Premature Rate Rise Risk
6th October 2009 -
Views: 806
Australia’s peak building and construction industry association, Master Builders Australia, expressed disappointment with today’s decision by the Reserve Bank of Australia to raise the official cash rate by one quarter of a percentage point.
Fall In August Building Approvals A Concern - Reinsw
1st October 2009 -
Views: 863
“This result is well below the forecast of 2.5% predicted by commentators and shows that recovery remains fragile”, said REINSW President Steve Martin.
Master Builders Australia - Mixed Approvals Data
30th September 2009 -
Views: 909
ABS approvals data for July produced mixed results, with an increase in house approvals, another decline in unit and townhouse developments, and extreme variations by non-dwelling sector, according to Master Builders Australia, the peak body for the building and construction industry.
Bulk Water Alliance Gets Green Light To Build Enlarged Cotter Dam
23rd September 2009 -
Views: 1130
A TOC (Target Outturn Cost) of $262 million, with a total project cost of $363m, has been approved by the ACTEW Corporation, who together with ActewAGL are the clients, and work is due to commence on the Enlarged Cotter Dam in October.
Government Stimulus Underpins Confidence And Construction Activity
22nd September 2009 -
Views: 846
The Government stimulus package continues to underpin confidence and construction activity according to the results of Master Builders Australia’s National Survey of Building and Construction for the September quarter 2009.