Industrial Relations Press Releases & Articles 61 - 65 of 83

Fair Work Website Makes New Ir Laws Simpler For Small Business starstarstarstarstar   4th November 2009 - Views: 1037 Australia’s small businesses can now access a complete range of free webinars about the Fair Work Act designed to help them better understand their rights when it comes to employing staff.

Contract Cleaners Dispute starstarstarstarstar   31st August 2009 - Views: 1107 Queensland based contract cleaning businesses have appealed to State and Federal Governments to intervene in a dispute with the Liquor Hospitality Miscellaneous Union (LHMU) and its "not negotiable" stance regarding the union's "Clean Start" employment agreement.

Award Modernisation Another Hurdle For Aged Care starstarstarstarstar   28th August 2009 - Views: 1044 Award Modernisation Another Hurdle For Aged Care Award modernisation is likely to have a significant negative impact on the aged care industry, Aged and Community Services Australia CEO Greg Mundy said today. Mr Mundy said some aged care providers, particularly smaller facilities and rural and remote services, were already struggling to survive under current funding arrangements.

Air Traffic Controllers Collective Agreement Ballot Successful starstarstarstarstar   4th May 2009 - Views: 1018 Airservices Australia has welcomed a 95% positive vote by air traffic controllers and associated staff for a new three and a half year collective employment agreement.

Communique - The Sydney Declaration On Ohs Education And Research starstarstarstarstar   28th April 2009 - Views: 1068 In this context, the emerging Academy of University OHS Education and Research met in Sydney this month (April) to contribute to the ALTC project Safe Guardin g Australians .

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