Building Management Systems In The Middle East A Growth Market
22nd July 2008 -
Views: 1032
Mr. Fountain added that TFM in the region was historically taken into account only upon the post-construction stage of projects.
Correction Regarding Cable Claim
21st July 2008 -
Views: 1048
The marker post in the Optus photo details a cable located 17.8 metres from the post, whereas, in fact, the fibre optic cable was located just two metres from this post.
Steep Decline In Home Lending
9th July 2008 -
Views: 993
Another big drop in home lending in May is the fourth consecutive monthly decline as consumers take fright in the wake of higher interest rates and petrol prices, according to peak building and construction industry organisation Master Builders Australia. Mr Peter Jones, Master Builders’ Chief Economist, said “Tighter financial conditions coupled with the high cost of fuel is affecting consumer sentiment and having a significant impact on home buyers.
Construction Sentiment Falls Away Credit Squeeze And Fuel Bite
9th July 2008 -
Views: 987
“It is clear that tight financial conditions coupled with higher petrol prices are taking their toll.
Building Magazine, Diag, Ukgbc And Labc Discuss The 2019 Sustainability Challenge
27th June 2008 -
Views: 1029
Partners, Directors and Senior Architects are set to gather at Building's Sustainable Non-Dwellings Conference on 10th July 2008 in London, to hear how the construction industry could be affected by the 2019 zero-carbon targets for non-domestic buildings. "This is the first public event to try and grapple with an enormous challenge for the industry. To be able to design build and operate zero carbon offices, schools and hospitals is a massive task, one that requires fresh ideas, initiative and co-operation.