More Private Houses Approved This Month
4th February 2010 -
Views: 955
Victoria (+4.6%), Queensland (+2.2%) South Australia (+0.5%) and Western Australian (+3.3%) recorded more private sector house approvals this month according to the ABS.
Tube Bending - Is It Taken For Granted?
19th November 2010 -
Views: 2137
Curving and bending metal to achieve stunning yet strong and durable results has become a very popular building method with architects and designers.
Vic Parliament Must Fix The Planning System
2nd February 2010 -
Views: 983
Executive Director of Victoria’s peak building industry group, Brian Welch, said managing the State’s booming population and housing affordability crisis will require an overhaul of the planning system.
Set Sail Safely For Summer Shade 1
29th January 2010 -
Views: 1011
Outdoor projects are particularly popular, with shade-sails high on the home improvement list because they offer protection from the summer sun.
Sustainability Stars In Home Building And Renovating 1
28th January 2010 -
Views: 1013
Almost all building or renovation projects that involve new building work or home extensions will need to comply with 5 Star. Minor work that does not require a building permit is not required to meet the 5 Star Standard.